High Hook and Top Ten catches as of 2/7/2024:

(no entries so far)


The High Hook Award is presented to the club member catching the largest fish in a particular species category for the year.  The High Hook award has been presented since the first year of the club's establishment.  While not required for the purpose of this High Hook Award, catch and release is encouraged.  Additionally, safe release of Striped Bass longer than 35” is now legally required in the state of Connecticut.

Divisions: there are 2 divisions Senior and Junior (16 and younger) for all eligible species: Striped Bass, Bluefish, False Albacore, Weakfish, Flounder and Blackfish, all of which can be pursued in three categories, bait, lure, and fly.   Each High Hook is awarded a certificate in recognition of the angler's accomplishment, awards are presented at the club's year end banquet. 

High Hook Rules are as follows:

1. Fish must be caught from shore or surf, with both feet planted on terra firma.

2. The High Hook club tournament generally runs from the first Sunday following Thanksgiving for a period of one year.

3. Overall length, measured from the tip of the nose to tip of the tail is used to determine the winner.  Weight is optional and not used to determine a winner.

4. Entries must be reported by the first membership meeting following the catch.

5. Entries can be sent to Mike Mullen at surfbass52@comcast.net or the current Club President via email or submitted in writing at a club meeting.

First entry of 2024 - Glenn Silver entered a 34.25” striper caught on a fly.  Nice going!

Click the below tab for historic high hooks