CSA March 2024 SUDS

President’s Letter

March 2024

Greetings Surfcasters,  

Great to see the evening sunlight until almost 6 o’clock.  Likewise for those early birds.   And with the lengthening days is the promise of club outings.  Looks like our first planned club outing will be to the Milford Smith’s Point Audubon for spring schoolies on Saturday, April 27 to take advantage of the dropping tide.  Next will be our annual weakfish outing at the West Haven sandbar also on a Saturday evening May 18, perfectly timed for an 8:48PM high tide.  Also, confirmed is our annual June trip to Cuttyhunk from Thursday, June 6 through Sunday the 9th.

Club members should give it their best shot to make one or all three of these outings.  I find the camaraderie the best part.  And for those family membership or for the less seasoned among us the April Smith’s Point trip provides a great introduction to surfcasting; sandy, soft sloping shores, a high probability of catching fish and a short drive for those of us west of New Haven. 

Also mentioned, actually a reminder at our recent e-board meeting was that impromptu pop-up outings are absolutely encouraged.  No outing is too small.  Just a reminder though, should you like to plan an outing on the fly be sure to let one of the e-board members know so our club’s liability insurance covers any unforeseen circumstances. 

Our club’s earliest club spring event is the Spring Cow. Just as the name suggests, the member who catches a striper, in the maritime district, after spring begins (for us it is 11:06PM March 19), 40” or greater.  Jim Munson is shooting for a hat trick having won in 2022 and 2023. 

Looking forward to seeing as many members possible at this year’s outings.

Tight lines everyone,

 V. Mike Simko

CSA March 2024 Membership Meeting

Wednesday March 6th at 7:00 pm at the Madison Old Town Hall.

Bucktail Enthusiast, Stephen Gressak will be our March Speaker

Steve will be giving an encore and updated presentation on how to fish the simplest of lures and the complexities the presentation. If you’ve ever fished next to Steve when he’s throwing bucktails it’s an almost humiliating experience.  Be there Wednesday night.

It really is time to renew your Fishing License

Go to https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Fishing/General-Information/Fisheries-Licenses-and-Permits to renew.

Connecticut Coastal Access Guide - https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Coastal-Resources/Coastal-Access and and click “Here."

CUTTYHUNK FERRY’S FUTURE IS NOT CERTAIN by V. Mike Simko (join the CSA to see the rest of this topic)

Improving Catch and Release    by Pat Abate (join the CSA to see the rest of this topic)

Report Chasing     By Pat Vogt (join the CSA to see the rest of this topic)